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Electrical And Electronics

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Vikram Solar Panels
Vikram solar power panels are the best in the company in manufacturing solar panels. The products a..
We are perceived as the business chiefs by offering high grade Dimmer. A wide number of clients show..
Controllers/dimmers are mainly used to change the brightness of the light. In this way, it reduces t..
Electrical Box
They are known as junction box, which is used to protect against the damage of short circuits, and a..
Electrical Earthig
Good earthing is very important for buildings as they protect you from getting electrocution. This ..
One of the highly necessary electrical appliances for home and commercial space. We deal with ..
LED Lights
LED is a highly energy-efficient lighting technology, and has the potential to fundamentally change..
Light Holder
We trade all varieties of light holders from top brands to budget-friendly products. The holders hav..
Meter box
Meter boxes are yet another important piece of hardware required for the building we deal with..
PVC Pipes
PVC pipes act as insulation to the wires and also have various areas of application these are of dif..
Switches and Sockets
These items are made by our gifted experts utilizing current hardware, unrivaled innovation and grea..
Switches and Sockets
We deal with all types of switches and iconic range of sockets that adds iconic touch to the walls. ..
Switches and Sockets
We deal with all types of switches and an iconic range of sockets that add an iconic touch to the wa..
Switches and Sockets
Sockets allow communication between two different processes on the same or different machines...
Switches and Sockets
Sockets keep you charged up, quite literally nowadays with so many portable devices at our disposa..